Game/Task Outline for Self Bounce
Tactical Problem: Acquisition of the desire to learn the forehand stroke.
Skill development: The different phases of the forehand stroke: preparation, wind-up, force producing  'Nike' swoosh,
(hitting a ball falling in front of you), and follow-through. Side stepping.  Catch ball before it drops to ground.  Relocating to bounce of ball.

Teaching Points: 


  • correct positioning of body to perform the forehand stroke.
  • controlling the ball to pass to your partner

  • hit high for time


  • closed (sideways) stance
  • hit the ball as it falls after bounce
  • racquet back at hip level before ball bounces 
  • 'Nike' swoosh.  (hitting a ball falling in front of you)
  • shift weight from back foot to front as hit 
  • recover front facing by feet hop back square stance to net
Extension:  Side to side toss -partner tosses side to side -must move feet to hit forehand stroke -partner retrieves -switch. 


Organizational Points: Self bounce- hit tennis ball to partner -partner retrieves -then switch.